About Us

American University AUCC

Welcome to the American University of Career Certifications (AUCC), your gateway to a world-class digital international university dedicated to shaping the careers and professional experiences of individuals across a diverse array of fields. At AUCC, we are committed to fostering academic excellence, promoting career advancement, and enabling personal growth in the realms of Business, Arts, Humanities, Law & Arbitration, Management, Education, Psychology, Languages, Aviation, Maritime, Computer Science, Tourism, Hotels, GIS, Media & Journalism, AI, and more.

Everyday at the American University AUCC is like a blessing with the active students and talented staff members around.

Jonathan Doe — Headmaster
AUCC at a Glance
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Current Enrollments
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Qualified Staff
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Clubs & Activities
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Active PTFA Members

AUCC’s mission is simple yet profound: to provide accessible, high-quality education that empowers individuals to achieve their career aspirations and become global leaders in their chosen fields. We believe that education should be a lifelong journey, and our programs are designed to accommodate learners of all ages and backgrounds.

Our Core Values
We have a culture that is modern, relevant, and inspires students to have a brighter future. We are determined in our approach to learning, are creative in our thinking, and bold in our ambitions.
Our Philosophy

At AUCC, we understand that the key to a successful education lies in the quality of our programs and the dedication of our faculty. Our world-class professors and instructors are experts in their respective fields, ensuring that students receive the most up-to-date and relevant knowledge.